New issue of scientific journal EU Agrarian Law 1/2022

The new issue of the scientific journal EU Agrarian Law is available online on the following webpage:
ČThe paper published by doc. JUDr. Ing. Radek Jurčík, LLM, MBA, Ph.D with the title Common Agricultural Policy in the EU and the Ministry of Agriculture in the Czech Republic with a Focus on Environmental and Consumer Protection and Support for Smes was prepared in the frame of the project of the AAEL „Effectiveness of Common Agricultural Policy Implementation in Slovakia”, no: 611792–EPP–1–2019–1–SK–EPPJMO–SUPPA.
Content of the journal EU Agrarian Law 1/2022:
1. Legal Regulation of Unfair Trade Practices in Food Supply Chain (Michaela Arpášová - Miroslava Rajčániová)
2. Common Agricultural Policy in the EU and the Ministry of Agriculture in the Czech Republic with a Focus on Environmental and Consumer Protection and Support for Smes (Radek Jurčík)- this paper was published on the basis of the results of the Jean Monnet project „Effectiveness of Common Agricultural Policy Implementation in Slovakia”, project number: 611792–EPP–1–2019–1–SK–EPPJMO–SUPPA, Grant Decision. Nr–2019–1802/001–001
3. Legal Aspects of the Quinoa Imports Into the EU (Jarmila Lazíková- Ivan Takáč- Eric Rendón Schneir- Ľubica Rumanovská)
4. An Overview of Selected Tools and Strategies for Agricultural Land Protection in Slovakia and the European Union (Zina Machničová)
5. Implementation of Waste Management Program: Case Study of Self–Government Unit of Bački Petrovac in Serbia (Marina Valenćiková)