
Land Strat Webinar Season 2, Episode 3 | 08/2/21 14h-15h30 (CET, UTC+1 - Brussels)

The LandStrat Webinar Season 2 organized by the Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe and Central Asia goes on!

Association may rightly consider the year 2020 to be one of the most successful regarding its publishing activities. In addition to several articles in renowned journals and the publication of a new issue of the EU magazine Agrarian Law, we received two important international scientific monographs.

An online meeting of the Management Board of the European Council for Rural Law (CEDR) took place on 6th November 2020. Slovakia was represented by: professor Anna Bandlerová and associate professor Lucia Palšová.

The STUD.IO project is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education realized in collaboration among 6 universities and organizations, from Italy, Slovakia, Romania and Spain; specifically, the project includes 4 universities and 3 private organizations (profit and non-profit) actively involved in the improvement of social welfare and the devel

CEDR Mediterranean Forum, will take place online on Friday 11th December 2020.

For further information, please follow this link.

On 7th and 8th February 2020, the EUROPEAN COUNCIL FOR RURAL LAW (CEDR) meeting, attended by delegates - representatives of individual CEDR members, was held at the Faculty of Law of the University of La Sapienza in Rome.
