ASSOCIATION OF AGRARIAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYERS was successful and as a partner won the international educational project „Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation“ (STUD.IO)

The STUD.IO project is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education realized in collaboration among 6 universities and organizations, from Italy, Slovakia, Romania and Spain; specifically, the project includes 4 universities and 3 private organizations (profit and non-profit) actively involved in the improvement of social welfare and the development of innovative social policies. The project stems from the need detected during studies carried out in the field by the leading organization, in collaboration with the partner universities, about the needs that today's city centres, whether they are small-medium-large, have in relation to new social challenges related to them. The main objective of the project is to provide universities with study pathways, divided into specific modules covering different thematic areas (urban, social, anthropological, environmental, political) to meet the needs of urban development to meet the psychological, relational, sociological and physiological needs of individuals living in cities. To achieve objective, the implementation of 4 Intellectual Outputs is foreseen:
1) A Literature Review on the main models and research currently available in the field of integration between Sociology, Psychology and Urbanism, in order to understand currents of academic thought and specific learning needs of students, which will be enriched by experiments and focus groups;
2) The creation of the STUD.IO Platform, an on-line platform to support the project, an interactive tool composed of several training sections and spaces for collaboration between teachers and students from different faculties, institutes and countries, in order to achieve a wider exchange of knowledge, skills and methodological approaches on the topic;
3) The creation of the Joint Curriculum for the training of an expert in Consultancy, Planning and Management of available territorial resources, addressed in a pilot phase to 30 students who will take part in an Intensive Study Programme lasting 15 days.
4) Experimentation phase and the publication of guidelines for students and experts in the field to give students the opportunity to put into practice and directly experience the knowledge they have learned in order to implement the STUD.IO model in specific contexts. The project will be inplemented in the period of 2020-2023.