European Council For Rural Law (CEDR) meeting

An online meeting of the Management Board of the European Council for Rural Law (CEDR) took place on 6th November 2020. Slovakia was represented by: professor Anna Bandlerová and associate professor Lucia Palšová.
Representatives of CEDR member countries discussed the current situation arising from the COVID 19 pandemic, which has also directly affected CEDR's activities.
At the online meeting, representatives of individual CEDR countries reported on activities held at the national as well as international levels- with a special focus on the international conference “II. Central European Regional Rural Law Conference" held at the University of Miskolc in Hungary, which dealt with the issues of Land Relations Legislation and the legal framework of inheritance and contractual acquisition of agricultural land by legal entities.
The representatives for Slovakia informed the European Council for Rural Law about the implemented "webinar" with a similar topic – Land ownership and use relations to agricultural land. The webinar was organized for the attendees from practice and its participants were entities doing business in agriculture from all over Slovakia.
Representative from Poland: associate Professor Aneta Suchoň, From the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University, informed about the upcoming online conference in Poznan on 26th November 2020 under the title "Agricultural Real Estate Trading - Theory and Practice" and also about the monograph , which was published under the title "The Legal and Economic Aspects of Associations of Agricultural Producers in Selected Countries of the World". One of the Slovak authors of the monograph is associate professor Jarmila Lazíková from the Department of Law, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, SUA in Nitra.
At an online meeting, the CEDR Management Board agreed that the planned CEDR Congress, scheduled for autumn 2021 in Cardiff, UK, would be postponed until autumn 2022. At the same time, all members of the CEDR Management Board agreed to postpone the election of a new CEDR President for the period after the end of the COVID 19 pandemic.
CEDR Secretary General Dr. Leticia Bourges asked all members of the CEDR Management Board to regularly publish all the activities of the national associations organized at national level in each Member State on the CEDR website. The next meeting of the Management Board of the European Council for Rural Law will take place in February 2021.