Meeting of the CEDR Board of management

On 26th January 2019, CEDR Board of management (European Rural Law Council) took place at the Faculty of Law in Seville and was attended by delegates from France, Switzerland, Italy, UK, Portugal, Spain, Austria and Slovakia. In addition to questions concerning the European Council's management for 2018, other issues were discussed as well- in particular: members' publishing activities, organization of the Congress in Poznan in September, as well as the upcoming Governing Board's session in September 2020 in Vienna. Professor Bandlerová and associate professor Palšová attended the meeting representing Slovakia. During their speech, they have informed other CEDR representatives about a conference organized by the Faculty of European Studies and Rural Development, funded by the EU, that will take place on the 2nd-5th April 2019 at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra titled: „Central European Initative on Agricultural Land Protection“