Project meeting Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation

On 14th and 15th November 2022, a meeting of partners of the STUD.IO project (Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation, No. KA203-6A057B2A) took place at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. The project is coordinated by the Italian institution Unione degli assessorati alle politiche socio-sanitarie (Italy) and the other partners are: Universita degli studi di Enna Kore (Italy), Consorzio Tartaruga (Italy), University of Buchurest (Romania), Sorangeli (Romania), Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Spain), Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers (Slovakia) and Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia).
Representatives from the 4 partner countries discussed intensively over two days the finalisation of the joint publication, which will be intended not only for students but also for professionals. An important point of the meeting was also the discussion about the upcoming Winter School, which will take place at the University of Enna Kore in Sicily from 15-29 January 2023. The theme of the Winter School will be „Theoretical and practical aspects related to environmental issues but also to urban planning, and sociology“.
Until the end of the project, which will be in August 2023, several other activities and outputs are planned, about which interested parties can find more information on the project website